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the bull’s horns
公牛角  detail>>
take the bull by the horns
不畏艰险 敢冒风险 豁出去  detail>>
霍恩斯 喇叭 门窗框突角 内阳茎角 牛角 兽角 鱼尾状长尖角  detail>>
horns the
霍恩斯山  detail>>
 n.  1.公牛;雄象,雄鲸;雄性大动物。 2.躯体庞大的人,粗壮的人;〔美俚〕工头;农场监工;〔美俚〕火车头。 3.〔B-〕=John Bull ...  detail>>
the bull
公牛的缰绳 金牛座  detail>>
be on the horns of a dilemma
左难右难  detail>>
biradial horns
双径向式号筒  detail>>
blare their horns
鸣喇叭  detail>>
conical horns
圆锥角,锥形喇叭  detail>>
crown of horns
之冠  detail>>
folded horns
折叠号筒, 折叠喇叭  detail>>
full horns
丰满铜管乐  detail>>
gray horns
灰质角  detail>>
honking their horns
响鞍  detail>>
horns cross
霍恩斯克罗斯  detail>>
horns degeneration
霍恩氏变性  detail>>
horns for vehicles
车辆喇叭  detail>>